Half Chicken
$9 / lb
Size Availability
Large (2.5 - 2.99 lbs): Less than 5 available.
X Large (3+ lbs): Less than 10 available.
Standard Pasture Raised Half Chicken.
Conveniently cut in half, but still 1 piece consisting of half Breast, Wing, Leg, and Thigh. Depeding on how we cut the Chicken in half, the backbone may also be present. Perfect for the BBQ or in the oven. Provides a very even cook and gives the ability for even distribution of crispy skin.
Use this Half Chicken for multiple meals: primary, leftovers, and broth for soup.
These are Cornish Cross Chickens and will have bigger breasts.
In addition to what they find on the pasture, they are supplemented with Ben's Hens Standard Feed. See the Feed page for more information about Feed.
If you would like to share a picture of how you cooked this product, please send it to us. We would love to display it on our website!